Labor Day Holiday in 2018
If you are following the holiday schedule in the Utah Code then the Labor Day holiday weekend in 2018 goes to the “custodial parent.” The holiday lasts from “6 p.m. on Friday until Monday at 7 p.m.” Holidays generally trump the regular parent-time schedule even if that weekend would normally go to the custodial parent. If you are following the expanded parent-time statute found in Utah Code 30-3-35.1 then the custodial parent may keep the children overnight on Monday and deliver them to school Tuesday morning (or 8am if there is no school).
Bear in mind this schedule applies to children ages 5 and up where the parents reside within 150 miles of each other. There are special rules that apply to children under 5 or where the parents live far apart. Also, if your court order contains a different holiday parent-time schedule then you should follow the schedule contained in your order.
Are you getting the parent-time you deserve? If not give the experienced attorneys at Wiser Family Law a call at 855-254-2600.
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