Parent-time and Utah’s Stay Safe, Stay Home Directive
On March 27, 2020, Governor Herbert issued a “Stay Safe, Stay Home” directive to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Utah. You can access the directive . Many divorced and separated Utah parents are wondering how this new directive impacts existing parent-time arrangements?
The directive is “not to be confused with a shelter-in-place order” like some states have issued. While encouraging families to limit travel only to “essential travel,” the directive defines “essential travel” as encompassing “transport[ing] a child according to existing parenting time schedules” as well as “other visitation schedules pertaining to a child in need of protective services.” In other words, this directive does not override existing custody and parent-time orders or allow either parent to refuse to exchange their children.
However while this directive is in force children should not attend school outside the home, arrange or participate in in-person playdates or similar activities, go on public playground equipment, or attend places of public amusement, public swimming pools, gyms, or fitness centers. Children and adults should maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others while outside and avoid congregating at trailheads and other outdoor spaces.
This is a summary of the Governor’s directives. As always, this information is subject to change based on developing circumstances. If you have questions about how the Governor’s directive applies to your unique circumstances please give us a call at 855-254-2600.
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