Parent-time and Fall Break / UEA Weekend in Utah
The Utah holiday statute awards the Fall Break (also known as “UEA weekend”) holiday to the noncustodial parent in odd-numbered years like 2017. The law defines the fall school break as “beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday until Sunday at 7 p.m. unless the holiday extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled.” Utah Code 30-3-35(2)(f)(vi).
Many public school districts along the Wasatch Front in Utah will be releasing children from school on Wednesday, October 18, 2017. However if your children attend a private school, year-round school, our school outside of Utah they may follow a different schedule.
Special rules apply if you are following the out-of-state parent-time schedule or if your child is less than 18 months old. Under the out-of-state schedule the noncustodial parent gets the Fall break (beginning the last day of school before the holiday until the day before school resumes) in even-numbered years (2018) but the custodial parent gets it this year. For kids less than 18 months old the noncustodial parent is generally not entitled to the entire Fall break period. Utah Code 30-3-35.5(3)(a), (b), (c), and (d). However once a child turns 18 months they generally follow the holiday schedule for older children.
Bear in mind this is all based on the standard provisions in the Utah Code. However, not all court orders follow the Utah Code. Some add additional rules, clarification, may change who gets a particular holiday, etc. If your order deviates in any way from the Code then you should follow what is in your order.
The foregoing is not intended to constitute legal advice specific to your situation but rather general information about the holiday provisions in the Utah Code for divorcing/separated parents. However if you have questions about how holiday parent-time in Utah works we would be happy to talk with you. Give the experienced attorneys at Wiser & Wiser a call today at 855-254-2600.
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